Saturday, September 10, 2016

Festival Budaya Megantara

Yesterday was a blast. Festival Budaya Megantara successfully ended last night. First of all, before telling you about Festival Budaya Megantara, I must say sorry because I can't possibly retell every single thing occured. There were just too much things happened: the hectic work of making the decoration (I was one of the decoration committee), the famous food stalls and food trucks, the flood of people everywhere, and of course, the magnificent performances on stage.

Being a committe for Festival Budaya Megantara, first thing to do at D-day is being present at Lapangan Bali at 6 sharp for briefing. We were told what to do and what not to do by the core committee from class XII. After, we pray together for the better of the event.

Decoration for yesterday's event were made months before the actual event, so at D-day there were not a lot of things to do other than keeping an eye for each piece of decoration. In the other hand, logistics committee were running around, busy carrying things needed for the day.

Despite being at Lapangan Bali since 6, Festival Budaya Megantara was opened for public at 11.30. Just after the gate opened,  a lot of people came in already. They were excited mostly for the food stalls/trucks and the ghost house. The ghost house were being 'haunted' by 'ghosts' from SMAN 12 Bandung, and I heard they were doing a great job scaring their guests. The food stalls were separated into five area: Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. Some of them sold traditional food from each area. My favorites are Sate Padang from Sumatera and batagor from Java. The main artists would perform at the end of the event, so the stage area were not crowded yet.

However, there was a fashion show consists of 34 students from class X wearing the traditional costume from each province of Indonesia. My friend, Fya, was one of the models. It was really fun watching our friends wearing costumes we've never heard of. Some of them wore strange costumes with even stranger properties.

Of all the performances, my favorites are from Darul Hikam, T'sT, and The Changcuters. Sadly, I could not see performance from RAN because dad had already picked me up. The cultural performance of Darul Hikam was astonishing, they played rampak gendang and sang at the same time. At the performance of T'sT (Tiloe's Theatre), I could not contain my laughter. They were so good at making parody of the popular movie Suicide Squad mixed with a cultural touch. For The Changcuters' performance, I could only describe it as epic. I was not the type to dance at a rock band's songs, but last night was an exception. Tria, the vocalist of the band, always threw funny jokes which made us laugh. And the way he sang and moved around the stage nonchalantly was really amazing. At the end of their performance, Tria threw the iket he was wearing at the crowd.

After The Changcuters' performance, my dad called, telling me that he was outside, ready to pick me up. So I did not have any choice but to go home.

Thank you Festival Budaya Megantara, you will be forever remembered!

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